Leadership Freak

Yesterday, I asked an upper-level manager at one of the world’s largest organization how he’d risen through the ranks so rapidly – he lit up and talked collaboration.

He’s succeeding because he
influences people he can’t boss.

Leaders influence without position, title, or rank; they invite loyalty, passion, and commitment. They don’t coerce, pressure, or demand. Begin influencing when you don’t have authority by:

  1. Asking.
  2. Listening.
  3. Learning.
  4. Understanding.
  5. Explaining.
  6. Know what makes people tick.
  7. ???


  1. Telling.
  2. Pressuring.
  3. Demanding.
  4. ???

More on leading without direct-line authority:


Belief isn’t just for religious folks;
it’s what great leaders do.

My friend said, “You have to believe.” Believe in the organization as a whole and the project, specifically. Belief fuels everyone’s passion.”

Believe in:

  1. The value you’re bringing, most importantly.
  2. The values, mission, and vision of your company. Buy it!
  3. The people you’re working with. Trust them.
  4. The value of your…

View original post 155 more words

About muyiwaokeola

Positive Transformation Agent
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